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Introduction To Quilting Course

If you’re a beginner to quilting, this is the video course for you. Through 5 in-depth video tutorials I’m going to teach you the fundamentals of quilting, and by the end you’ll be able to make your first completed quilt top. Click the button below and let’s get started with the course!


Videos in the Course

Fundamentals of a Quilt

23:58 - To start this beginner quilting course we first have to talk about what is a quilt. In this video we’ll discuss the quilt sandwich, and what four things actually make up a quilt. There are links to all the products mentioned below the video, and let me know if you have any questions!

Quilting Tools

26:42 - In this video we’re talking about all the tools and supplies you’re going to need to begin quilting. Although you don’t need anything overly fancy or expensive, I’ve compiled a small list of tools that any quilter will need on the day-to-day. Links to many supplies are also listed below the video!

Quilting Terminology

20:42 - Today I’m excited to talk about the language of quilting. When you’re reading patterns or talking to other quilters you may come across words or references you don’t know, and that’s what this video is for. We’re going to go over pattern shorthand, common phrases, and other quilting terminology to get you up to speed with the language of quilting.


Beginner Pre-Cut Quilts

3 41:23 - Alright, now it’s time to sew! Today I’m teaching you three different beginner-friendly quilts that you can make in under a day, even if it’s your first ever quilt top. They require no patterns and minimal pinning, instead I want you to focus on a consistent seam allowance and practice handling your machine. Let me know if you have any questions in the question box below!

Common Quilt Blocks

25:13 - To end off this video series, I want to talk about three different types of basic block units that we see all the time in quilt patterns. If you can get these three down, you’ll be able to handle many quilts out there. As always, supplies are linked below, and reach out if you have any questions. And if you end up putting together a block or two, message me on social media! I’d love to see your beautiful quilts.

What you’ll learn…

Understand basic quilting
fabrics, tools, and terminology.

Learn the steps to making a
beginning level quilt top.

Learn three popular quilt block
units and different ways to
make them.

Meet Your Instructor  

Hey guys! My name is Erica Winston, and I’m the owner of A Needle N Thread. I put together this video course for anyone who is new to quilting, and who wants to start learning from the very beginning.

If you’ve never watched a quilting tutorial, or if you want to strengthen your prior knowledge and technique, this is the place for you. There is a lot of information out there, but very few places start you with the basics. In this video course I’m going to give you the foundations that you need to build a quilt top. I’m not kidding - by the end, you’ll have all the skills to sew your first quilt top!

Reach out to me any time you want using the question box below, I am happy to answer your questions. Enjoy the course!

Question Box

If you have any questions during the course, reach out to me with this question box! I’ll respond to you as soon as possible.
(832) 585-1948


A Needle & Thread


431 Gentry Street
Spring, Texas, 77373
(832) 585-1948

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